Artist Archive Websites

Legacy Archives for Sony Music and Columbia Records We used Drupal to build official archive websites for many Sony Music “legacy” artists. The sites chronicle every performance and artifact collected throughout the artist’s history, allowing fans who were at the shows comment on the show and upload photos and videos from the show. Services Integration

BobDylan.com for Sony Music

Drupal Design & Development We designed Bob Dylan’s official website, BobDylan.com while working for Sony Music. The site includes set lists for every live show he’s played, going back to 1960, streaming audio and sheet music, merchandise and art, trivia and news. Services Integration with Content Management System, Integration with E-Commerce Systems, Mobile Design, Tablet

Official Artist Websites for Sony Music

Web Developer NYC

Sony Music Official websites for many Sony artists. Built using the Drupal content management system. Services Integration with Content Management System, Interaction Design, Module development, Theme development, Web Design Tech Drupal